After Surgical Therapy
- After leaving the office, go directly home. Avoid strenuous activity for the remainder of the day. Smoking and alcohol consumption delay the wound healing process and should be avoided or minimized for 3 days following surgery.
- Discomfort is to be expected but minimal. The surgical site will be tender and sore. For this reason, we recommend you follow the prescribed analgesic regimen every 4-6 hours for the next 36 hours. After 36 hours, if soreness continues, you may maintain the use of the analgesic as prescribed.
- It is normal for the surgical area to swell for up to three days. Ice packs should be applied to the area alternately 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, for 6 to 8 hours following surgery. After 8 hours, the ice packs should not be applied. Frequent applications of warm, moist towels is then recommended for up to 3 days
- Avoid manipulation of the lip and cheek to inspect the area as this may dislodge sutures (stitches) and cause bleeding.
- It is normal for redness to appear in the saliva for the first few hours up to 24 hours. If significant bleeding occurs, rinse your mouth with warm salt water, then apply a wet tea bag directly over the area of bleeding and hold it with pressure for 30 minutes.
- Swelling and facial skin discoloration (bruising) may be experienced. This is temporary, and will resolve on its own in a few days.
- Do not eat for the next few hours but continue to maintain an adequate diet thereafter. Stay on soft foods for the next 3-4 days and all chewing should be done on the opposite side of the surgical site.
- If for any reason a suture loosens and hangs free, it may be trimmed with a sharp scissors. It is important that you return at the appointed time for suture removal.
- Brush and maintain normal hygiene throughout the mouth but avoid the area of the surgical site. After the first day, rinse with the prescribed chlorhexidine mouthrinse morning, night and after meals until the sutures (stitches) are removed.
- Should any complications arise or you have any questions regarding the healing process, please do not hesitate to call and we will be ready to help you.